About Me

I am a $3^{rd}$-year undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science at the School of Computer Science & Engineering, South China University of Technology. Now I am a research intern in CityMind Lab at HKUST(GZ), advised by Prof. Yuxuan Liang. Previously, I joined Machine Learning and Data Mining Lab at SCUT, advised by Prof. Qianli Ma.

My research interests include:

  • Multi-model Learning, include language, vision, time series, video, et al.
  • Deep Generative Model, especially Large Language Model and Diffusion Model
  • Spatio-temporal Data Mining: perception, prediction and generation


  • [05/2024] One paper regarding Time-series Modeling is submitted to NeurIPS’24
  • [05/2024] One paper regarding Graph Learning is submitted to NeurIPS’24
  • [03/2024] One paper regarding Time-series Modeling is submitted to ECML-PKDD’24
  • [12/2023] DiffShape is accepted to AAAI’24
  • [09/2023] Awarded my second National Scholarship (top 0.2% nationwide)
  • [08/2023] One paper regarding SSL for Time-series is submitted to AAAI’24
  • [09/2022] Awarded National Scholarship (top 0.2% nationwide)



  • South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
    B.E. in Computer Science, 2021~2025 (expected)
    GPA: 3.92/4.0 (Rank: 4/166, top 2.41%)



  • Tencent
    Algorithm Research Intern @ Tencent, 2024.6 ~ Present
    Research Topic: Time series behavior prediction and mining


  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
    Research Intern @ CityMind Lab, 2023.8 ~ 2024.5
    Advisor: Yuxuan Liang



  • Diffusion Language-Shapelets for Semi-supervised Time-series Classification
    Zhen Liu, Wenbin Pei, Disen Lan, Qianli Ma
    AAAI, 2024. [Paper] [Code]

  • Time-SSM: Simplifying and Unifying State Space Models for Time Series Forecasting
    Jiaxi Hu, Disen Lan, Ziyu Zhou, Qingsong Wen, Yuxuan Liang
    arXiv, 2024. [Paper]

Honors & Awards

  • National Scholarship, 2022 & 2023 (twice, top 0.2% nationwide)
  • Tencent Enterprise First Prize Scholarship, 2023
  • Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling (ICM): Finalist, 2023 (top 2% worldwide)
  • China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (Guangdong): First Prize, 2023
  • The Chinese Mathematics Competitions (Guangdong): First Prize, 2022
  • Lan Qiao Cup Programming Competitions (Guangdong): First Prize, 2024
  • Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling (APMCM): Second Prize, 2023
  • Greater Bay Area Cup Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Financial Mathematical Modeling Competition: First Prize, 2022